Friday, May 30, 2014

Completed Teapot Final

My fauvism teapot came out great, but I'm sad to say this is my last post of ceramics for a while 😔 but I'm ready for ceramics 3 next year!! :D

Monday, May 19, 2014

Glaze work

Finished glazing my tea bowl and lantern today. I also got to make a tea cup to match my tea pot.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Good Start to my Teapot!

I'm combining fauvism with cubism in my teapot which is going to be a cube! :D

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pop Art

Pop Art is figurative, realistic, modern, and usually has a reoccurring theme. Some pop artists are:
Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup I, 1968
Daisy Waterfall (Rain Machine), 1953

Roy Lichtenstein
The Melody Haunts My Reverie, 1965
Live Ammo (Blang) 1962

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism is characteristic of its messiness, energetic applications of paint, and simplistic style. Some abstract expressionist artists include:
Wassily Kandinsky
Flood Improvisation,1913
Reiter, 1911

Willem de Kooning
Woman V, 1953
Woman III, 1953


Surrealism is characterized by unnerving, illogical scenes painted with photographic precision, the wotks made created strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself. It is overall a combination of dreams and reality. Some artists that worked with surrealism include:
Salvador Dali
The Persistence of Memory, 1931
Swans reflecting Elephants, 1937

Rene Margritte
Time Transfixed, 1938
The Telescope, 1963

Marc Chagall
The Walk, 1917

Spring, 1938


In cubism, shows objects for how they really are but in a broken up and reassembled abstracted form, objects are also depicted from several viewpoints. Cubism creates optical illusions. Cubism was used by artists such as:
Pablo Picasso
Three Musicians, 1921

Factory in Horta de Ebbo, 1909

Georges Braque
Violin and Candlestick, 1910
Little Harbor in Normandy, 1909

Paul Cezanne
Quarry Bibèmus, 1900

Mont Sainte-Victoire, 1897


Fauvism is characterized by its use of bold colors, curved lines, and outside thinking of formal aesthetics. Some fauvist works include these by:
Franz Marc
Tiger, 1912
The Fox, 1913
Fox, Bluish Black Fox, 1911

Henri Matisse (cut outs- made at end of his life because he was unable to stand at easel)
The Snail, 1953
La Gerbe, 1953
Woman with a Hat, 1905
Les toits de Collioure, 1905

Banyan Tree by Trisha Keiman


Post-Impressionism is characterized by the ending of Impressionism and rejection of its confined techniques. Post-impressionistic works exaggerate old style Impressionism, the brush stokes are more pointed in some works, but the overall style as represented by the artist is quite eclectic. Some post-Impressionism works by:
Vincent Van Gogh
The Starry Night,1889
Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, 1889


Impressionism is known for its capturing a single glimpse of an image. It is also known for its more exact representations of tones and colors and applying paint in small touches as apposed to broader strokes. Some examples include these works by:
Claude Monet
The Water Lily Pond (The Japanese Bridge), 1899
The Cliffs at Etretat, 1885

Mary Cassatt
Sara and her Dog, 1901
Lilacs in a Window, 1880

Edgar Degas
Ballerina in Red, 1883
Horses and Jockeys, 1890

Friday, April 25, 2014

Wheel Work

I'm getting better at the wheel! I glazed both of my tea bowls, and made another this week.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Completed Coil Pot and Project of Choice

My teapot (project of choice) came out great! Also the high fire glaze I used on my coil pot came out really nicely! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Glazed Coil Pot

I used one of the special high fire glazes! hopefully it turns out good!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Compleated Panda

My pats method panda is all finished, but its eyes got messed up. :(